ROS-Industrial Consortium Asia Pacific Summit 2023

At the ROS-Industrial Consortium Asia Pacific Summit 2023, KABAM Robotics showcased Co-Lab, highlighting its role in security and facility management through Smart+ and the seamless integration of REMI, an large language model for concierge services. Michael M. Sayre also discussed leveraging breakthroughs in navigation, computer vision, GenAI, and language models in a speaking session, demonstrating how our robots enhance security in public and commercial spaces.
IMDA Digital Transformation Industry Day 2023

KABAM Robotics had the opportunity to exhibit at the IMDA Digital Transformation Industry Day 2023, showcasing how our robotics solutions are transforming operational workflows in businesses.
Our Executive Director, Michael M. Sayre engaged in a panel discussion titled “Emerging Technologies that Will Change the Future of Businesses”.
Hospitality Tomorrow Conference 2023

KABAM Robotics was at Republic Polytechnic to exhibit in the Hospitality Tomorrow Conference 2023. This event served as a wonderful opportunity for us to share how our indoor robot, Co-Lab and device agnostic robot operations platform, Smart+ can empower the service workforce.